A Call To Action

A Call To Action

Poor decision making at governmental level has left South Africa facing an escalating economic crisis. However, a bolder vision from public and private sector leaders could yet reverse years of economic stagnation.

Super Clusters Project

The Thai Government’s eight-year economic plan, ‘Super Clusters’, will be introduced to make Thai business more appealing to foreign direct investment by grouping industry. The plan aims to offer more stability in that investors can engage with the cluster as whole and reduce their overall exposure.

Perguruan Tinggi Raharja M -Vlad FULL-width

asean education spotlight feature In Conversation with Mr Ramesh Basant Roi G.C.S.K. Governor of the Bank of Mauritius “We have a democratic tradition, rule of law and political stability in Mauritius. It’s a peaceful and pleasant place to live and it ranks quite high...

Perguruan Tinggi Raharja M -Vladn

asean education spotlight feature In Conversation with Mr Ramesh Basant Roi G.C.S.K. Governor of the Bank of Mauritius “We have a democratic tradition, rule of law and political stability in Mauritius. It’s a peaceful and pleasant place to live and it ranks quite high...

Perguruan Tinggi Raharja fa-Vladn

Perguruan Tinggi Raharja Interview with Dr. Po. Abas Sunarya, M. Si Contact Perguruan Tinggi Raharja JL. Jenderal Sudirman No.40 Modern Cikokol Tangerang info@example.com ) +62 21 552 96 92 About the Institution   Achieving a Better Future Through Computer...